Between Do It Yourself, new media, urban cultures and contemporary art, VJing broadly refers to the art of mixing live images. Be it in parties, concerts, or installations, video art now adorns buildings as much as it shines within the events landscape.
While a wide variety of artists and self-taught people are emerging from the video-jockey communities that flourish on the web, VJing still lacks representation in its dimension as an artistic discipline in its own right.
This is why Melifera Records (fka System11 Production) is organising Video-Jockey competitions to energise this scene!
The 2020 edition took place exclusively online.

1st Place
Akiko Nakayama

Other selected artists
Resolume Arena license (799€).
COGE VJ and VEZÈR license (226€).
Cash prize.
Festival programming.
System11 VJing Award.
Resolume Avenue license (299€).
Gift set: bottle of wine La Vallée Electrique 2020 and goodies.
All releases from the Melifera Records label during the year 2021.
- The team will shortlist 10 candidates based on one submitted video-demo of 30 seconds minimum. Registration must be done through the form on the website.
- If the candidate is shortlisted on Thursday 26 November, the reel must be downloadable or sent by Wetransfer to system11france@gmail.com.
- Then, a compilation is made from excerpts of the shortlisted demos. The compilation is publicly shared, with links to the full video-demo and artists info. This step leads to a public vote on our website from Friday 27 November to Monday 30 November.
- The three finalists will be announced on 30th November. We will set up a videoconference with each finalist to go over the logistical side of the event for the 3rd December. Yassin Siouda will accompany the finalists to configure the livestream from their side. The recommended tool is OBS, and the technical configuration will be done on demand.
- The finalists will thus be able to give a live performance (around 7 minutes), publicly streamed, on Saturday 5 December.
- A jury will then decide on the winner of the S.V.C. 2020 on Sunday, December 6th
Notes: Candidates must be able to perform a live performance of 7 minutes to be eligible. All three finalists require fast and fluid internet access on 5 December and 3 December. Finalists will be advised to make an HD recording on their personal computer during the livestream, to allow us to post their performance in HD on the S.V.C. networks as an archive. The entry fee are non-refundable.
We are available to answer your questions.
- WEDNESDAY 11 NOV – Call for entries
- TUESDAY 24 NOV – Closing registration
- THURSDAY 26 NOV – Shortlisting
- FRIDAY 27 NOV – Community voting
- MONDAY 30 NOV – Qualification of the three finalists
- SATURDAY 5 DEC – Livestream of finalists for a panel of judges
- SUNDAY 6 DEC – Winner announced
The Jury
The Team
Official Partners

For any further information: