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Melifera selection cover art 2021

Melifera’s 2021 Cover Art Selection

VISUAL • Graphic design plays such an important part in defining a label’s visual identity. By the end of this special year, we wanted to celebrate one more time the beautiful symbiosis that can exist between art and music, with a selection of our favorite covers of 2021.

Album LP Cover Martinou Nous'klaer audio

Review: Martinou – RIFT [Nous’klaer Audio]

MUSIC • Rotterdam-based Nous’klaer Audio was founded in 2013 by Sjoerd Oberman and has built a strong reputation of both quality and innovation. Their latest and much-anticipated LP, RIFT by Martinou, was released on vinyl and digitally (26th November 2021). For his debut album, the young Swedish producer has delivered 12 quality tracks filled with organic sounds and hypnotic melodies.